
2015-07-23 13:57:25 来源:微信号:jngedu 作者:济南环球教育 浏览:2909次









Some trains now  have Quiet Coaches where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use  cell phones, laptops, or other mobile devices that produce sound. Do you  think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not.


本题属于Task 1中非主流的“做判断”式的提问类型,2015年内首次出现,在2014年共出现了2次,分别为:

Do you think college students should be allowed to keep pets in their  dormitory? (14.11.09)

Do you think it’s a good idea that some schools to require students to  finish 40 hours of community service each year? (14.12.14)



In this way, the trains can provide a better environment in which passengers  can totally enjoy the trip or have a good rest.

As most mobile devices are wireless apparatus, they might harm  passengers’ health.


It may influence some people’s business and study.

 Passengers might have less entertainment, communications and pleasure.


Personally,  it is a good idea to have quiet coaches on the train. In this way, the trains  can provide a better environment in which passengers can totally enjoy the  trip. Actually, I’ve taken such a train during my trip last year. The train hassome areas called Quiet Zones, thatare usually indicated by signs on the doors, so passengers in these zones are requested not to  use cell phones or play music out loud, and the  like. Honestly, I really enjoyed the trip, cuz without any disturbance, I had  a very good rest. Without  the mobile devices that produce sound, I can better concentrate on other  stuff, like reading, meditation, and  appreciating the beauty outside of the window. And this kind of undisturbed  and unplugged lifestyle, maybe, is one of the  best ways to re-energize my brain. So I am all  for trains having Quiet Coaches.



Task  2


When students  have questions about an assignment for class, some prefer to ask the  professor for help. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help  to understand the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why.




Ask the professor  for help

The professor may  offer more professional suggestions that can deepen students’ understandings.  

The professors’  advice may bring better ideas and more inspirations.

Ask other  students for help:

Other students may  have more time to give more specific and elaborate explanations.

You may feel less  uncomfortable and stressful since you are familiar with each other.

③ promote relationship


Personally speaking, I prefer  to ask the professor for help. Because the professor may offer more  professional suggestions that can truly give me a thorough understanding of  the assignment, such as the requirements, rubrics and the deadlines and the  like. Some of my classmates may have the same confusions as I do, so asking  for professor’s help might be more efficient. Also, sound advises from the  professor are quite inspirational. Once my professor suggested me to watch a late  night comedy named The  Tonight Show with Jay Lenowhen I raised questions about cultural literacy.  Inspired by the show, I made an exceptionally appealing presentation.



Task  3



The department’s  plan: discontinue tutorials for first-year engineering students next year.

Reason 1: a lack  of volunteer tutors

Reason 2: no  clear evidence that the tutorials can help improve learning overall


The man  disagrees.

Reason 1: They wouldn't  take that much of their time. They can make it a requirement for all PhD  students in engineering department.

Reason 2: He  didn’t see where they got this idea that the program wasn't working well.




① 引出学校取消tutorial的计划 ② 概述主角的观点态度 ③解释持该观点的两点原因


The engineering  department planned to discontinue tutorials for first-year engineering  students next year.

The male student  feels upset about the plan. Because he thinks tutorial actually wouldn’t take  that much of their time. And he suggests that they can make it a requirement  for all PhD students in engineering department if a lack of volunteer tutors  is a real problem.

Also, he feels  ridiculous about the department’s announcement that there was no clear  evidence that the tutorials could help improve students’ overall learning. He  didn’t see where they got this idea that the program wasn't working well.  Actually, in his mind, the tutorials did help the freshmen in the department  this year, so the elimination might be a big loss for first-year engineering  students next year. The university's got it all wrong.



Task  4



Pratfall Effect:  The phenomenon that people will tend to like or admire a person who is  already considered competent if he or she makes a minor mistake.


Researchers’  Study: two separate groups of people watch a same video concerning the same  man answering the same questions except for one difference.

Result: People  in the second group regard the man who spilled the coffee in the video more likable  than the man in the radio who answers all the questions correctly.






Pratfall  effect is the tendency for attractiveness to increase after a perceived  competent individual makes a minor mistake: the individual will be, on  average, more likable after committing a blunder.

Details  of the pratfall effect were described in an experiment by researchers. The  experiment was set up involving two separate groups of people who would watch  the same video concerning the same man answering the same questions all  correctly except for one difference: the man spilled the coffee in the video  watched by the second group. However, it turned out that people in the second  group regarded the man more likable and approachable despite of his minor  error.

Researchers explained the results that the pratfall  effect is due to increased sympathy with successful individual  after they make a mistake.



                      Task 5



The woman is not  going to be able to finish the story for her paper by deadline, because the  professor whom the article is about is doing field research and won’t come  back in two weeks.


turn it into a short piece;

ask the editor of the newspaper for some  extra time.






The woman is not  going to be able to finish the story for her paper by deadline, because the  professor whom the article is about is doing field research and won’t come  back in two weeks. There are two suggestions available for her. One is to  turn the paper into a short piece, and the other is to ask the editor of the  newspaper for some extra time.

Personally, the  latter one might be a better choice for her. It is reasonable to ask for an  extension, because the professor whom the article is about is doing field  research elsewhere. And even if the professor won’t come back in time, the  student could still have enough time to contact him online for needy  information. Also, if merely turning the paper into short piece, all the  essential information might not be included in the paper for a lack of space.



Task  6


Topic: Desert  birds’ two special ways of dealing with the heat to cool themselves.

Use the power of the wind. When desert  birds get hot, they can make their feathers straight up away from their  bodies, exposing some of the skin under the feathers. This allows the breeze  to hit their skin and it cools their bodies down.

Direct more blood to the featherless  parts. For instance, if desert birds start to overheat, more blood will flow  to the featherless legs and feet, and the blood near the skin surface will  get cooled.







The professor  introduces desert birds’ two special ways of dealing with the heat to cool  themselves.

The first way is  to use the power of the wind. When desert birds get hot, they can make their  feathers straight up away from their bodies, exposing some of the skin under  the feathers. This allows the breeze to hit their skin and it cools their  bodies down.

The other way is  to direct more blood to the featherless parts. For instance, if desert birds  start to overheat, more blood will flow to the featherless legs and feet, and  the blood near the skin surface will get cooled.






第一篇阅读文章难度较大,涉及到古罗马的相关历史, 同话题文章在2014年6月8日和2012年4月18日也曾经考察过; TPO 中也多次出现关于罗马的文章,  考生在参加考试前需要充分了解相关的历史背景,否则在阅读时会有一定的阅读障碍。 本次考试的后两篇文章涉及到生命科学,属于托福的常态性话题,在TPO中有许多相关文章,昨天的第一篇阅读加试考得也是生命科学,难度中等,解题的重点是对于一些相关的专业单词有所了解。

Passage one




Roman Empire


五世纪的罗马帝国,分东西罗马。西罗马皇帝驾崩,少子即位 大权旁落,被年长的摄政王控制,还涉及到了继承人问题。文章讨论了东罗马比西罗马更强大的原因在于边境,人口和文化的unity.最后阐述了任用日耳曼军人的原因造成西罗马帝国的衰落


TPO 8 The Rise of Teotihuacan

TPO 19 The Roman Army’s impact on Britain  


Eastern Versus Western Roman Empire Compared

  The  disintegration of the Roman Empire began in earnest during the 3rd Century.  As frontiers along the Rhine River began to crumble, barbarians from the  Germanic regions began to cross into Roman territory. Poor imperial  leadership, often resulting in civil war between competing would-be emperors,  contributed to the growing weakness.

  Although many  of the early barbarian groups had no specific desire to conquer Rome, they  were enticed by Roman civilization and prosperity while frequently fleeing  other barbarian groups moving into Central Europe from the east. By the 4th  Century, following the reign of Constantine the Great, the last emperor to  rule over a unified Rome, the division between east and west was complete.

  East versus  West in Latter Imperial Times

  The Eastern  Empire was vastly different from the West. The East contained the largest  population centers and the wealthiest cities. The moving of the capital to  Constantinople by Constantine added the element of prestige and signified the  importance of the East. Dominated by ancient civilizations that predated  Rome, the East was far more eclectic and open to competing philosophies and  religious ideals. The Christian population in the East, for example, was  substantially higher than in the West.

  The West was  more prone to barbarian incursions as Germanic tribes invaded Gaul and  eventually Italy during the 5th Century. Western legions were often composed  of barbarian recruits, men that had no loyalty to Rome nor shared common  interests related to imperial goals. As civil government crumbled, the  Catholic Church emerged as both civil and spiritual leader under the auspices  of local bishops whose seats coincided with the Roman civitates.

  Although the  Byzantine Emperor Justinian attempted to reunify the empire in the 6th  Century, barbarian groups like the Lombards, Allemani, Vandals, and Franks  continued to separate the West from the East. This separation resulted in the  remnants of the Western Empire transforming into a new civilization  independent of the rise of the Eastern Byzantine Empire.

  Religion, Law,  and Culture

  Western  European civilization has been defined as the product of Roman culture, the  Christian Church, and barbarian culture and traditions. In the West, Latin  Christianity dominated religious tradition while in the East, Orthodoxy  emerged as the primary religious faith tradition. The East refused to  acknowledge the Roman pope or pontiff as the supreme head of the Christian  Church, vesting authority instead in the Patriarch of Constantinople who was  appointed by the emperor.

  The East  continued to practice Roman law, codified in the 6th Century by Justinian.  This code would not be reintroduced in the West until the 11th and 12  Centuries. Western law was an amalgamation of pagan Germanic law, based on  the Wergeld model, and Canon Law. With a liberal dose of superstition, such  as trial by water and compurgation, post-Roman western law lost the Roman  element of due process.

  Eastern Roman  Empire

  The Eastern  Roman Empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the one united  Roman Empire became too bloated to be ruled by one Emperor, and was divided  into an Eastern and Western half. The East based it's capital in the city of  Constantinople, not Rome. Unlike the Western Roman Empire, its people spoke  Greek, not Latin and had a largely Greek culture and identity. The Eastern  Roman Empire also encompassed the extremely wealthy provinces, including most  of the Aegean sea, Anatolia, Egypt, and part of North Africa. Though  extremely rich, the Eastern Empire was plagued by internal instability and  foreign invasions. The Eastern Roman Empire will start off with a large  number of provinces, but will be on the verge of collapse. Heavy cavalry will  be their greatest asset, and vital to the success of the Eastern Empire.

  The Eastern  Roman Empire lies between Europe and Asia and connects Orient and Occident.  Due to its location, it has developed a unique culture and military. While  the Empire's primary enemy is Sassanid Persia to the east, the approaching  barbarian hordes from the west may become a considerable problem as well.  Furthermore, if the people are unhappy and revolt a Roman shadow faction -  namely the Eastern Roman Rebels - can emerge; they are a dangerous enemy, as  they have powerful Roman troops as well.

  One of the  richest factions, the Eastern Roman Empire's army is a mixture of  Eastern-style cavalry and Roman infantry (which, like the Western  counterpart, is inferior to that of the earlier period). The Eastern Roman  Empire has very good cavalry including Cataphracts, Clibinarii (which are  very heavily armored cavalry, somewhat similar to Cataphracts), and  Dromedarii, as well as excellent archer units. It is also more stable and  prosperous than its Western counterpart.

  The Western Roman  Empire, less urbanized and less densely populated, experienced an economic  decline throughout the late empire. The East was not so destitute, as  Emperors like Constantine the Great and Constantius II had invested heavily  in the eastern economy.

  As a result  the Eastern Roman Empire could afford large numbers of professional soldiers  and augment them with mercenaries, while the Western Roman Empire couldn't  afford this to the same extent. Even in the case of a major defeat, the  Eastern Roman Emperors could easily buy its enemies off with a ransom.

  Western Roman  Empire

  The Western  Roman Empire was the western part of the Roman Empire which, later, became  known as The Holy Roman Empire. By 285 CE the Roman Empire had grown so vast  that it was no longer feasible to govern all the provinces from the central  seat of Rome. The Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into halves with the  Eastern Empire governed out of Byzantium (later Constantinople) and the  Western Empire governed from Rome. Both sections were known equally as `The  Roman Empire' although, in time, the Eastern Empire would adopt Greek instead  of Latin and would lose much of the character of the traditional Roman  Empire.

  The two halves  of the empire continued to prosper equally until the reign of the Emperor  Theodosius I (379 - 395 CE) when internal and external forces exerted  themselves to break the two halves apart. These forces included, but were not  limited to: the excessive zeal of Theodosius I in spreading Christianity and  stamping out pagan practices; corruption of the ruling class; incursions by  Germanic tribes; and over-extension of boundaries and resources. The Gothic  War of 376-382 CE severely weakened the Western Empire even though the  battles were routinely fought by forces from the Eastern Empire. At the  Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE, the Western Emperor Valens was defeated and  historians agree that this marks the beginning of the end of the Western  Roman Empire. A steady decline in power and prestige followed the defeat at  Adrianople and culminated in the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus,  deposed by the Germanic king Odoacer on 4 September 476 CE.

  While this is  the traditionally accepted date for the end of the Western Roman Empire, that  entity did continue on under the rule of Julius Nepos until his death in 480  CE. After Nepos' death, Odoacer annexed the Western Empire to his own lands.  Following the failed attempt by Theodoric the Great of the Ostrogoths to  wrest power from Odoacer, the latter consolidated his kingdom and the Western  Roman Empire became the Kingdom of Italy, fully under the control of Germanic  rulers.

  As  Christianity had been legitimized and spread under Roman rule, there were  many Christians who refused to let the Roman Empire die so easily.  Charlemagne of the Franks was proclaimed Western Roman Emperor in 800 CE by  Pope Leo III and entrusted with the charge of protecting and perpetuating the  Christian message. Many tales and poems, including the famous Chanson de  Roland (the Song of Roland), were written praising Charlemagne and his  knights for their chivalrous adventures defending Christian values.

  The official  beginning of the new empire, however, dates from 962 CE when Otto I of  Germany was crowned King of Germany and proclaimed his realm The Holy Roman  Empire of Germany. Otto I continued the policies of maintaining a Christian  nation following Charlemagne's example. The Holy Roman Empire continued to  see itself in this role as an entity championing truth until, through a slow  decline involving political intrigue, almost incessant war and constant  internal strife, it was dissolved in 1806 CE following defeat by Napoleon  Bonaparte. The famous French writer, Voltaire, is quoted as saying in 1756  CE, "This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself  the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire" and  historians since Voltaire have agreed. The Holy Roman Empire was so in name  only and after the last mperor, Francis II, abdicated the throne, Napoleon  disassembled the existing political structure which supported said name and  the territory came under French control through the Confederation of the  Rhine.

Passage two




Features of  Tropical Mammals


The habit of tropical mammals.整篇文章介绍了热带的哺乳动物的生活习性和特点。文章对比了在temperate zone  mammalstropical mammals 之间的不同。 热带的mammals不需要忍受极端的温度,只是经历了干湿季。在干季,由于吃的少,不能像温带动物一样冬眠,tropical  mammals主要依赖水果为主食。然后热带的独特气候使得成为某些动物的栖息地,  举了bat 种类为例子,蝙蝠的种类和数量都比北美的多,因为食物习性不同。


OG Feeding  Habits of East African Herbivores

TPO 15 A  Warm-blooded Turtle

Passage three




Honey bee


有关蜜蜂,分别介绍了worker bee,  drone 还有queen.  The main responsibility of drone is mating  and when they finish their job, they will be expelled or killed. The worker  bee has many jobs, such as food storage, nesting and guards. They have many  means to communicate with each other, for example waggle dance.


TPO 11 Begging  by Nesting

TPO 11  Orientation and Navigation


  Flowers provide food for bees. The bees  collect tiny grains of pollen and a sweet liquid called nectar from the  blossoms they visit. They make honey from the nectar, and use both honey and  pollen as food. of six-sided compartments called cells.

  Worker bees build the honeycomb of wax  produced by their bodies. The wax oozes through small pores (holes) in the  body and forms tiny white flakes on the outside of the abdomen.

  They also collect a sticky substance bee  glue, from certain kinds of trees.

  The body of the honey bee

  A bee has five eyes-three small ones that  form a triangle on top of its head, and a large compound eye on each side of  its head.

  Honey bees were the first insects known  to be able to distinguish colors. Bees have three kinds of color-sensitive  cells in their eyes. These visual cells are especially sensitive to blue,  yellow, and ultraviolet rays, which humans cannot see.

  The sting of a worker bee is straight,  with barbs (hooks) on it. When the bee thrusts the sting into flesh, the  barbs hold tight, and the stinger pulls out of the bee's body.


Imply, more permeable, unfavorable explicit, pursue comparative upon  reflection, prompted, expel consult





Conversation 1




学生与教授对话讲述自己在Washington观看了一个艺术展,极大的激发了她的灵感,想写painting glass的艺术价值与美国本土文化的论文课题,教授听完后华丽的说出一个but,因为论文选材应为历史题材,同时给学生提供了国际文化交际的思路给学生,学生满意收场


这种对话题材TPO比比皆是,关键要听转折词 考点往往出自转折之后

Conversation 2







Lecture 1




两条著名的河流 尼罗河与亚马逊河 他们分别的特征sediment与dust虽是不同的概念但却有着类似的特性,sediment陈旧观点被推翻讲述新观点,dust对于亚马逊森林的影响 同样给出新旧观点


参考tpo24讲座第三篇 对于罗马雕塑观点的更变,此类学术文章 老师的授课方式比较单一,逻辑极为严密 一般是类比两个大的信息类群,然后再分别给出新旧观点对比。同学们记住一般旧观点态度不支持,新观点支持。注意利用褒贬词技巧答题

Lecture 2




人类学传统将此门学科分为四个阶段,采集狩猎 饲养牲畜 种植庄稼 最后有计划的养殖,然而教授又一次提出BUT 这种分类不是很好,缺陷分别是什么然后又是一个排比。


Tpo26的讲座第四篇  ancient text的追溯 同样新老观点陈述交杂举例说明

Lecture 3






此类环保话题国内外考试千篇一律,细节众多容易忘记是难点  建议听写记笔记,当然机智的同学们利用常识解此类题型也是棒棒哒

Lecture 4




高大上的室外绘画,印象派大师莫奈等等。基本涵盖室外作画的基本要求,比如忠实原景 客观等等


艺术历史或者整个历史话题,我给各位亲一个小建议  就6个字 听人物,记顺序。人物紧跟特征或者观点必考,历史发展顺序是把我听力材料框架结构的突破口,参考TPO25 讲座3










Whether the 1920s negatives were made by Adams


1. The scene of pine trees is photographed by Adams;

2. The handwriting of the envelope belongs to his wife;

3. His studio was once on fire, and some traces on the film prove that  they were once burned.


1. Many people had been to the park and took pictures of the pine tree;

2. The spelling errors prove that the handwriting cannot belong to his  wife;

3. The chemical used to wash the film was easy to be caught on fire and  was used by many people. Fires always happened.







The lecturer talks about a research which states some negatives  photographed in 1920 were not made by Adams. He says that the theory stated  in the reading passage was different and somewhat inaccurate.

First, the lecturer contradicts the issue that because a pine tree had  once been in Adams’ other picture, this negative which also photographed the  same pine tree was certainly belonged to Adam. The pine tree is in a park, a  very famous tourist attraction, which attracts hundreds of visitors and many  photographers have taken pictures of the pine tree before.

The issue of the handwriting by Adam’s wife being used as a reason to  classify the negative as works by Adam does not please the professor either.  He says that there are spelling errors in the handwriting, but Adam’s wife  was very familiar with the location and would never make such a mistake.

Finally, the passage says that Adam’s studio was once on fire, and some  traces on the film prove that they were once burned. However, the lecturer  refutes that many studios used the chemical material in those negatives and  they can easily cause fire, so a studio on fire during that time was very  common. Thus, the evidence of the reading passage cannot be a strong one to  show that the negative was belonged to Adam.





Do you agree or disagree: These days children spend more time on doing  homework or participating in organized activities related to school or  sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.




In this highly developed and education-oriented  society, a large number of children have been living under a great deal of  academic pressure. Some were forced by their parents or schoolteachers to  attend various learning programs and tutoring centers; others stayed up all  night in order to catch up with and even exceed the top student in class.  Pursuing of excellence and persisting in progress is understandable, a  balance between structured learning and hobbies, however, in my personal  perspective, is the top priority of children’s life.

The most convincing reason lies in the fact that  unstructured periods of exploration followed by children’s likes and dislikes  can lead them to more novel and interesting ideas. Without unconventional  associations in children’s life, they just devote their free time only to  assignments and academic related activities, making their life dull and  boring. Furthermore, their main concentration will only be paid to classes  and homework, with the result that rarely will other colorful and splendid  areas be into children’s life. For example, reading novels and watching drama  tend to make them more reflective. And auditing for a musical or singing in a  band may well give young people fresh means of self-expression. In addition,  painting and sculpture can improve the emotional well being of students as  they offer creative outlets for their energy, stress, tension or even  aggressiveness.All these sort of activities will accustom students to  flexible and inventive ways of thinking.

For another, doing whatever children want serve as  an effective way to release academic pressure. Every one has the experience  about getting stressed out by classes, homework and compulsory school  activities. They, during most of their time, are forced to sit still, shut up  and listen while a grown-up scrawls about science in front of a blackboard  and delivers monotonous math formula. However, they can definitely relax  themselves when they spare some free time in playing a desktop card game with  their friends, by which they have a chance to take the edge off anxiety and  stress. Myself is a beneficiary of such relaxing. When listening to my  favorite song with my cat curling up on my legs, I do not need to recall the  involved history affairs into their mind, solve the complicated differential  equations, or try to understand a knotty passage. Instead of adding more  to memories, I bring something to enjoy.

We cannot deny that each student wants to perform  excellently in school and all parents desire their children to be successful  in the future. To some extent, this may be true. However, they oversimplify  the real situation and only by squeezing all children’s time to study and  ignoring what they really want is not a feasible method to cultivate them  into elites. Numerous examples have proven that a learning machine is not  suitable and will never survive in the cruel and competitive society. What we  need is an all-round talent who is not only excellent in academic study but  also innovative, optimistic and versatile.

To conclude, encouraging children to spend more time  in what they what is beneficial for them to a more colorful life and less  stressful study experience. Thus, a variety of novel and attractive  extracurricular activities are supposed to be recommended to all schools.


